Wednesday, November 3, 2010


  1. aku seneng baca cerita kamu, aku juga pengen berbagi cerita hehehe, i just create my own blog

  2. thank you for reading :) hehehehe.
    maaf kalo ceritanya jelek yaaa.
    i've just read yours. semoga kamu bisa ketemu sama Nita itu di Bandung yaaa. good luck for you!

  3. ga jelek ko blog ini sebenernya jejak proses pendewasaan kamu, kalau dibandingkan dari pertama sampai terakhir, karakter kamu yang sekarang dah lebih wanita.. :P

    Hey lieya, you wanna hear something funny? There was a man who was drowning, and a boat came, and the man on the boat said "Do you need help?" and the man said "God will save me". Then another boat came and he tried to help him, but he said "God will save me", then he drowned and went to Heaven. Then the man told God, "God, why didn't you save me?" and God said "I sent you two boats, you dummy!"

    hehehe good luck for you too, i hope something good happen between you and S. :)

  4. hahaha. i've already know that story.
    pelajaran buat kita tuh, buat menghargai arti sebuah kesempatan.
    i don't wish something good between me and S. we've done and we'll never be together.
    both of us will find someone new.

  5. tuh kan sekarang kamu dah makin dewasa hahahaha.. :D

    hey promise me, you will be more happy and optimist like your previous comment.
    it's ok if you don't wish anything for anything in your life, but let me wish for you.. :)

    i hope you will be happier and you can find someone that can make you laugh and take care of you like you are part of his soul.. :P

    hehehe that's it, and for my last words..

    take care lieya.. :)

  6. of course i promise to myself to be happier and optimist :) thank youuu.
